For Teachers
Learning Experience Plans
3rd Grade
Connecticut Then & Now
This lesson allows students to compare life in historical time periods to life today, and is an introduction to Connecticut.
2nd Grade
Using Primary & Secondary Resources
This lesson allows students to develop the knowledge needed to research thosewho have made a difference in society, and how/why we remember the past.
5th Grade
How to Read a Primary Source
This lesson allows students to compare information provided by historical sources about the past, evaluate sources using evidence, and gather relevant information while using the origin, structure and context to guide the selection.
4th or 5th Grade
Jingling All the Way to the Inn
This lesson allows students to learn the history behind the song Jingle Bells, compare Jingle Bells to other historical songs and customs, relate Jingle Bells to the painting Seven Miles to Farmington, and learn elements of song structure and writing by working in groups.
This lesson allows students to identify occupations and roles of individuals and animals performed in the masterpiece artwork, Seven Miles to Farmington, and compare them to jobs of today and present information in a Wax Museum format.
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