
Archive Use Policies

  • Museum Hours: Tuesday through Sunday, 10am to 4pm.

Archive Policies:
The Archives are available for on-site use by researchers, scholars, students, and the general public according to the policies and procedures established here.

Facility and Hours:
The museum does not maintain a regular schedule of archives hours. The archives’ collections are available for use by appointment only. An archives volunteer is available to address reserch request on Tuesday afternoons.

Appointments must be arranged in advance. Please submit the Archive Research Request at least one week in advance of the requested date. Once at the museum, visitors will be required to show photo identification with a current address, confirmation of any institutional affiliation, and to sign the visitor register. The standard museum admission fee is waived, although donations are welcome.

Using the archives:
Only items considered essential research tools (e.g., pencil, paper, notebooks, laptop computers, etc.) are allowed in the archives area. Backpacks, bags (including purses), briefcases, coats, computer bags, and similar items must be stored in the coat room, where lockers are available. A staff member will remain in the archives area during the entire visit, for both security and assistance purposes. Belongings may be subject to search upon departure.

The archives’ collections are non-circulating and materials may only be used in the archives area. Eating, drinking, or smoking is not permitted. Visitors will have access to the archives’ and library’s electronic resources, including the OPAC, finding aids and pathfinders, digital collections, subject guides, and Web directories. Depending upon which physical collection is to be used, protective gloves (supplied) may be required. Tracing or annotating materials is not permitted. Only pencils may be used in the archives; neither pens nor self-stick notes are permitted.

Visitors agree to hold harmless the Lyme Historical Society, its Officers and employees, from and against any and all claims and actions that may arise out of their use of the archives’ collections.

Photocopying and Photography:
Photocopying is generally not available, although exceptions may be made in the case of unique materials. Visitors will complete a photocopy request and must sign a copyright statement. There is no charge for the first ten pages; additional pages will cost $.10 per page; copies will be mailed. Requests may be declined if the materials are deemed too fragile or outside the “fair use” standard. No photography is allowed in the archives or surrounding area.

Publication Requests:
Permission to use the archives does not include the right to reproduce or publish their contents. Visitors using unique historical, genealogical, or archival materials will be required to read and sign a publications agreement form.

Archive Research Request

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
    Appointments must be arranged in advance. Please submit the Archive Research Request at least one week in advance of the requested date.