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Harry L. Hoffman: A World of Color

Harry L. Hoffman: A World of Color
By Jeffrey W. Andersen
$14.00 (Softcover)
Softcover: 89 pages
Publisher: Lyme Historical Society (1988)
Product Size: 0.25 x 8.5 x 10.8 inches

$19.00 (Hardcover)
Hardcover: 89 pages
Publisher: Lyme Historical Society (1988)
Product Size: 0.5 x 8.75 x 11.3 inches

Few subjects escaped the attention of Harry Hoffman. His work spans several continents—from landscapes of remote Spanish villages to seasonal views of New England; from market scenes of Savannah, Georgia to the dramatic volcanic terrain of the Galapagos Islands—and reveal a lengthy career of artistic exploration. Hoffman’s unflagging curiosity for varying forms of nature led him in 1916 to begin painting what are perhaps his best-known works—a series of undersea paintings of the coral reefs in the Bahamas.

This catalogue accompanied a 1988 exhibition of Hoffman at the Florence Griswold Museum, examining the life and work of an artist noted for his joie de vivre and for his artistic versatility. Alongside the scholarly text are 29 color plates, 40 black and white illustrations, and a unique color frontispiece on vellum.
